Activism Works! The Chicago Tribune covers the Channon and Christopher murders.

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 10 June 2007 14:51.

Howard Witt, a senior journalist at The Chicago Tribune, was not honest enough to break the mainstream silence when Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom were murdered last January.  But he has redeemed himself today with a front page piece that lifts the lid on the murders, the liberal conspiracy of silence and the storm of internet protest that followed (and which, folks, clearly WORKED!).

The paper edition even carried the aesthetically perfect photograph of Alex Linder’s arrest at the VNN Knoxville rally.


... whether the attack was a racial hate crime worthy of national media attention is another question, one that has now ignited a fierce dispute over the definition of hate crimes and how the mainstream media choose to cover America’s most discomfiting interracial attacks.

That’s because the murders of Christian and Newsom didn’t fit the familiar contours of a traditional Old South attack, in which whites target blacks and reporters quickly assume the motivation must have been racial.

Instead, the races were reversed: Christian and Newsom were white; the three men and one woman charged with their murders are black. And the failure of the story to gain much media attention outside of the Knoxville area has galvanized conservative commentators across the country who insist the case offers clear evidence of liberal bias in the major media.

They have launched a broad Internet campaign, waged via blogs, e-mails and YouTube videos, to counter what they regard as suppression of a story about an anti-white hate crime.

“There is a discomfort level [in the national media] with stories that have black assailants and white victims,” said Michelle Malkin, a prominent conservative newspaper columnist and TV commentator who has featured the Knoxville case on her Web site. “If it doesn’t fit some sort of predetermined narrative of how we view taboo subjects like race and crime, there’s a disinclination to cover it.”

Country music star Charlie Daniels, who lives 150 miles from Knoxville, contrasted scant coverage of the Christian-Newsom murders with the national media frenzy that erupted last year when a black woman accused three white members of the Duke University lacrosse team of raping her at a party. The white players were cleared in April after the accuser proved unreliable and no evidence corroborated a crime.

“If this [Knoxville case] had been white on black crime, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and their ilk would have descended on Knoxville like a swarm of angry bees,” Daniels wrote on his Web site. “I guess the lack of TV cameras discouraged them.”


The Migration Advisory Committee and Migration Impacts Forum ... just talk

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 10 June 2007 00:34.

I have been trying to get some perspective on the two bodies announced over the last few weeks by little Labour big man, Liam Byrne.  He is the Irishman appointed by Irish-at-heart John Reid to succeed Irishman Tom McNulty in keeping English race replacement running smoothly.  This is a job also known as Immigration Minister.  McNulty succeeded Scot Des Browne who succeeded the disgraced but apparently English Beverly Hughes who succeeded Irishman Mike O’Brien who succeeded Jewish floodgate operative Barbara Roche ... hope I didn’t miss anyone.

For six years after New Labour’s dash for Third World genes got underway, Ministers blithely and, as it turned out, wrecklessly expected multiculturalism to deliver a smooth transition to a white minority.  They have had to face a few unpleasant and unavoidable realities since.

Multiculturalism was laid to rest by Trevor Phillips in 2004.  After that, there was only the counter-terrorism route and three political policy tracks for the government to follow:-

Track One: Increase pressure on aliens to integrate (at the same time finessing into existence a civic patriotism to accomodate them).

Track Two:  Do everything possible to induce greater passivity among the natives.

Track Three:  Professionalise government handling of all initiatives to the above ends.


Comprehensive Immigration Reform Through Impeachment and Enforcement

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 09 June 2007 16:39.

While things may not yet have developed far enough for the revolt of the plebs according to Machiavelli’s Rule, the fiasco with “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” has driven the President’s political base to distraction from their hypnotic trance under the gaze of the MSM and politics as usual.  The logical argument for impeachment is starting to become manifest to his base. 

To put it in 25 words or less:

When the chief executive refuses to enforce the laws, legislation is not an option.

Can it be any clearer?

USS Liberty Incident 40th Anniversary

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 08 June 2007 19:14.

Today is the 40th anniversary of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty.

Given the recent grotesque failures of US intelligence predictions, it is a good time to reflect on this, the most deadly attack against the US intelligence community in history.

The Little Lexicon revisited

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 06 June 2007 22:33.

Last September I floated the idea of “building up a list of corrective word and phrase definitions, each of which encapsulates our worldview and might have some utility in combatting the pervasiveness of left-speak.”

Some new suggestions have been submitted by an interested party, and that gives me the excuse I need to re-enlist your creative aid:-

academic tenure  the only basis on which it is possible to tell the truth on a university campus.
amnesty  a public admission by the US federal government that its immigration laws do not work, and a private admission that they are not meant to.
anarcho-capitalism  religion of the capitalist self, attractive to 40 year-old businessmen trying to be hip.
anti-discrimination law  destruction of European peoples’ freedoms of association.
anti-racism  fanatical hatred of normal Europeans.
anti-semite  any European who resists behaviour by Ashkenazic Jews damaging to his people; anti-semitism the product of Jews’ hostile behaviour towards their host; the proposition that any conflict of interest between Jews and Europeans could be resolved in favour of Europeans.
Ashkenazic Jews  semitic tribe of Near Eastern origin and uniquely high mean intelligence who comprise up to 90% of world Jewry, including the power-players in New York and the Israel elite; hyper-ethnocentric deniers of ethnicity to Europeans; endlessly imaginative inventors of good ideas for Jews, bad ideas for Europeans.
assimilation  once proof that any European could find his or her own place in America; assimilationism  the ideology that assimilation is just as possible for non-Europeans.
Auschwitz  one-time labour camp, now a temple of perpetual European damnation.
black inventors, list of  the explanation for the technological advancement of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Boer genocide  wave of farm murders by blacks in the Republic of South Africa, ignored by Western politicians and excused by the ANC government.
brazilianisation  the monoracialising, favella-building, gangbanging future, baby ... though not in Israel, of course.
British Empire  two words meaning “guilt and shame”, and applicable only to Britain’s native peoples.
Canadian anglophones  francophiles
Canadian francophones  anglophobes
capitalism  wage-slavery system supporting bankers, politicians and their parties, and other members of the power elite.
citizenship  proof, written down on paper and signed by a government official, that we are all one people.
civil rights  government-decreed access for blacks to white society, with no corresponding demand for improvements to black behaviour; African-American civil rights movement anti-white, pro-black agitation of the 50’s and 60’s organised by Jewish political activists until the Black Power Movement could take over.
colonial a word meaning “guilty and shameful”, applicable to all continental Western Europeans except Swiss and Lichtensteiners.
color-blind  blind
conservatism  the political expression of love of self, love of kind, love of country; Conservative Party  right-liberal political group in Britain; social conservatism  understanding of and profound respect for sociobiologically-derived mores and traditions.
cognitive dissonance  an anxiety condition common among liberals who encounter, for example, race-realism.
cognitive eltism  the idea that Europeans should be displaced and/or replaced by the world’s smartest non-whites because the world’s dummies are a downright disaster.
conspiracy theory  smear term for almost any mention of the elephant in the living room.
correlation vs. causation  (also “correlation is not causation”) ostrich tactic commonly employed by race-deniers when confronted by Occam’s razor or plain common sense.
crossriding the expropriation of collective goods by a person or group who not only contributes nothing to them but destroys the people who have.
culture war  the use of homosexual and ethnic minority interests to undo, subvert or otherwise destroy personal and societal norms.
democracy  an oligarchy in which the ordinary people think they can elect their leaders.
Democratic Party, The  see Republican Party.
differential birth rate the reason why a moratorium on immigration is not enough.
distributism  economic system designed to diffuse property among the populace, adopted by the British National Party with no regard to electoral reality.
diverse  condition of being much-celebrated (opp of “hideously white”); diversity political buzzword for the decivilisation of European societies; death of the West.
economism  the belief that only economic and financial ends are really important.
education enslavement of young white minds by school teachers, university professors and media professionals through the promotion of guilt and self-hatred; freeing of white minds from same by radical-right websites and pro-white cultural and political organisations; progressive education the theory that every high school should be attached to a nightclub.
egalitarianism  the pretence that poofs, dykes and low-IQ folks are equal to or the same as normal Europeans.
equal rights  equal outcomes ... and jam for equality professionals; a mandate for authoritarianism and theft by taxation.
european  of Europe or the peoples of Europe.
extended phenotype  a person gulled into furthering the genetic interests of another group through hostility towards his own.
far right  smear term frequently applied to any normal European.
fascism  political philosophy peculiar to Italy; fascist  smear term frequently applied to any normal European.
feminism  boondoggle that convinced men that women wanted to be men when it was really men who wanted to be women.
fringe  dismissive term for that tiny minority who seek truth over fantasy.
freedom  not choice, not an unfettered will, not anything open to the moderation of politics.  Something more.
freeriding  the expropriation of collective goods by a person or group who contributes nothing towards them.
gay  not really; gay rights  sad wrongs done to our freedoms of speech and association; euphemism for Homosexualist Marxism; the buggering of normalcy.
genetic determinism  Orwellian attempt to smear hereditarians with fanaticism by those who are themselves fanatical in their environmental determinism.
hate  the idea of or desire for self-determination among European peoples; hate crime legal confirmation of the primacy of minority feelings; hate speech language tending to the survival of European peoples; hate speech law legalistic attempt to eliminate from public discourse all language tending to the survival of European peoples.
hideously white  (accredited Greg Dyke) liberal term for uncelebrated white islands in a sea of diversity, indicative of a violent guilt reflex.
holocaust gratuitous Jewish self-hagiography on an industrial scale; method of forestalling any mass outbreak of self-interest among European people; proto-religion of the New World Order; holocaust denier  smear term for holocaust revionist; holocaust revisionist  historian who cannot be satisfied with the authorised version of German government policy towards the Jews from 1933 to 1945.
homosexual  (incl. lesbian) human tragedy requiring of the sufferer personal self-restraint in return for public tolerance.
illiberal  non-liberal thought, speech or action; comment, itself “illiberal”, upon the opinions of a normal person.
immigrant  alien aggressing against European economic, land and genetic resources; immigration elite policy of European race replacement; immigration restriction healthy but inadequate mainstream attempt to oppose the elite.
integration  slow European genocide, and the only genuine alternative to multiculturalism (happily, that’s failed multiculturalism, of course) or repatriation.
interculturalism  pathetic attempt to replace failed multiculturalism with chapati-baking lessons for the last three white housewives in Leicester.
interest  cause based in a love that is not merely self-love; ethnic interest your interest in your people’s welfare and its interest in yours; genetic interest all the copies of your genes out there in the big wide world; proximate interest a non-evolutionary causation; ultimate interest the evolutionary causation.
Iraq  mental condition affecting the Bush dynasty.
Israel  proof that countries can be taken from their people if the powerful will it; Israel Lobby non-existent grouping of not influential American Jews who don’t finance and/or apply pressure to stupid goy politicians to protect Israeli interests.
kinship  why we will win, if we win.
la-la land  that place under the soil where ostriches and liberals stick their heads.
liberal  captive of liberalism; liberalism  the politics of decivilising the West; liberal censoriousness proof that liberals have all of the power but none of the arguments; liberal sensibility the exquisite ability to remove European people from the ranks of those who suffer loss.
libertarian  childish right-liberal freedom junkie with an IQ of 120; libertarianism  (second-wave) purest form of liberalism, tending to the atomisation of society into competing sovereign wills and disqualifying the ethnic interest-based presumptions on which racial survival depends.
limousine liberal  members of the political class who gush regularly for the poor they hope never to meet.
mainstream  where masses learn that “whitey bad” and “darky good”
majority  a bunch of fascists, any expression of whose wishes and interests is forcibly excluded from the democratic process.
melting pot genocide of the dark ally and the bed pillow.
Marxism  the still-beating heart of the left, even after 100,000,000 deaths by collectivism and state terror, and the collapse of all social and economic credibility.
Mexico  a country shortly to be found south of MT and west of LA.
military coup  (in South America) ambitious army officer in a radio station; (in Africa) ambitious army officer with a frying pan and the private parts of the former President.
multiculturalism  failed attempt by the liberal establishment to force unassimilable aliens on Europeans through the recognition of only cultural differences; proxy for multiracialism.
nation  a people and a land - Blut und Boden, the one inseparable from the other; nationalist  person who comprehends the inseparability of blood and soil.
Nazi (from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) smear term frequently applied to normal Europeans; Nazi war crimes war crimes by Nazis, as selected and prosecuted by Jewish students of international law.
neoconservatives  Jewish ex-trotskyites and fellow travellers who stole the GOP from European-Americans, captured the US Presidency, opened the borders as wide as possible and declared war on Israel’s enemies.
one-man-one-vote  (abbr. OMOV) a method of restraining indigenous and socially conservative interests at the ballot box.
paleoconservatism  the nearest Americans get to genuine Conservatism, but not near enough.
paternalism  feminist paranoia about the benign father figure.
patriot  person who does not necessarily comprehend the inseparability of blood and soil, but loves the soil anyway.
politics  making laws where you would otherwise have to break them; political consensus the will of the elite; political correctness self-censorship in imitatio Marxo for the comfort and good of blacks, queers, liberal academics, etc.
pornography  extreme expression of secular Jewish individualism.
precision bombing  whoops! erm ...
psyops  cynical manipulation of public feeling and opinion by an hidden enemy within.
race  the genetic families of Man; categories of lineage denied or obfuscated by Jewish pseudo-scientists; race awareness training the industrialised coercion of work-dependent white people who do not yet hold the required point of view; race realism acceptance of the predictive power of race; racial awareness normal thought processes about one’s own and other races; racial cuckoldry the delusion that genetic distance is a product of similar appearance; racial majority  European people who, by their mere existence, obstruct progress towards the goals of liberalism; racial minority  client group of any liberal, assumed to be inherently noble and in need of protection from white racism and privilege; racial prejudice believing non-whites are racially inferior, since believing them equal is apparently not a prejudgement; racial supremacism scare story told by race-deniers to avoid the normality of racialism; perfectly logical result of Nature’s diversity;  racialist normal person who puts the interests of his or her people first; racist term of abuse for a normal European person; an utterance by morality addicts and the liberally censorious who must stop hearing uncomfortable truths NOW!
reparations  on-going shakedown of the only people who didn’t benefit from slavery to the only people who did.
repatriation  redemption from the folly and self-destructiveness of post-war immigration policy in the West.
Republican Party  see Democratic Party, The.
r-k  the theory of why Africans are as sexually active as Europeans are cerebral.
Sailer, Steve  American journalist with extremely sound race-realist credentials but a fatal incapacity or unwillingness to follow the political logic.
six million  the only number you need to know.
sixties  decade of moral self-indulgence, of revolt against the father, of flight into fantasy, of conservative collapse.
social engineering  proof that Man is not perfectible.
social scientist  professional bigot who researches us solely to reinforce his or her anti-white, anti-male or heterophobic prejudices.
Sontag, Susan  dead feminist Jew who bequeathed the charming thought that, “The white race is the cancer of human history.”
state  the institutions of power through which the liberal-left has marched; state propaganda one of the things the liberal-left does when it gets there.
Stein, Mark widely-published Canadian journalist and dissembling shill for the “war on terror”.
taboo-breaking  wet dream of all liberals, providing the alleged taboos are the natural foundations of society ... but shock and horror if the taboos are their own.
terrorism  blind hatred in pursuit of political self-justification.
transsexual rights  the ultimate test of your ability to keep a straight face.
two-party system  one-party system
unfettered will  being anyone and doing anything your silly head wishes; the execrable understanding of human nature which is the holy of liberal holies for spaced-out jumpers everywhere: “I can fly, baby ...”
vibrant  brash, noisy, smelly, dangerous and alien to Europeans’ way of life.
war on terror  popular belief among certain European peoples that Apache attack helicopters in Lashkargah will save them from what Moslems do in bed in Brussels and Bradford.
white  insufficiently specific and exclusive name for peoples of European descent; white birth rate rate at which the eggs of European-descended women are sacrificed to trips to the theatre, vacations, parties, girls-nights-out, the realization of romantic dreams, novel-reading, clothing and fitness fads; white flight Orwellian term blaming whites for their own ethnic cleansing; white privilege the allegedly academic theory that the poor outcomes of certain minorities are caused not by their own failings but by the skin colour of Europeans; white separatism precondition for racial survival in a multiracial state, akin to repatriation in the ancient nations of Europe; white supremacism see “racial supremacism”.
zivism  (from Alon Ziv) pseudo-scientific shilling for the destruction of European genes.

Remember to keep any suggestions you may have, including improvements to the current list, as accurate, concise (or, if not, funny), and all-round “awake” as possible.

Jim Murray Burst Out Laughing

Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, 06 June 2007 18:17.

The Village Voice reports that:

“Virtually all the people who create white nationalist ideology are funded by them,” says Heidi Beirich, a writer at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups around the country. The list of Pioneer Fund grantees includes a who’s who of “race science” figures… Michelle Ilse Weyher was the Germany-born third wife of the Pioneer Fund’s former president, Harry Weyher… After 44 years as the fund’s president, Harry Weyher died in 2002… Weyher played a role in the Pioneer Fund’s selection process. She helped to decide which applicants received the few grants the fund gave out each year… Jim Murray, Weyher’s boyfriend and a Long Island native, says she died quietly of a cancer that few knew she had. Murray, who used to own a limo company in New York, spent the last few years with Weyher at her North Carolina home… Weyher bequeathed everything to Murray...

When asked what he thought about the Pioneer Fund’s mission, he simply burst out laughing.

Anyone have a list of the names, addresses and personal background information on the major supporters of the SPLC, ADL, etc.?

Film review - This is England (2006)

Posted by Guest Blogger on Wednesday, 06 June 2007 00:21.

They don’t make big budget films about the far right in Britain.  In fact, it’s rare for any film to be made about it.  But one was made last year based on the personal experiences of its director, Shane Meadows.  These are my impressions of it.

IT’S 1983, the first day of the school summer holidays.  We open with a couple of minutes of genuine archive footage.  Mrs Thatcher appears, tearful crowds see the Falklands fleet out of harbour, then follow shots from some inane TV show – not really a contrast, as all these scenes are part of the same “spectacle”.  Next come some disturbing shots of dead and wounded soldiers being hurriedly ferried away from a Falklands battlefield, and it’s these last that implicitly form a backdrop for the film itself.

Shaun, played by Thomas Turgoose, is a severely undersized 13-year-old North-country boy (the scene-setting is reminiscent of that in Ken Loach’s Kes).  He has lost his father in the Falklands War.  His mum (Jo Hartley) just doesn’t possess the inner resources to help him get over it, and he’s scoffed at and bullied at school.

One day he’s befriended by a gang of older kids - rather patronisingly, perhaps they want him as a mascot.  They are punk/skinhead types, not political, indeed on the verge of criminality.  Membership of the gang (which has one black member, a friendly and gentle boy called “Milky”) takes Shaun out of himself.  The boys play fantasy/hunting games in derelict buildings: - a waste of time perhaps, but now Shaun feels that he’s needed and has a purpose.

But then an older member named Combo (Stephen Graham), whom we haven’t met before, rejoins the gang.  He’s been in prison, manfully taking the rap, it seems, for one of the other members.  He quickly re-establishes himself as the feared leader, and preaches a programme of white supremacy.  A pivotal moment in the film has been reached, and the mood of the action changes.


Individualism, abstract and material

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 05 June 2007 23:57.

Even self-professed National Socialists who reject liberalism in theory show the same expressive individualism of their peers in practice.  Their rallies are just as anarchic as those of their opposition.  Both sides in Knoxville were composed of dishevelled individualists venting their random emotions.  The classic Nazi rallies of the 1930s projected discipline, order, submission of the individual to the collective will.  Their contemporary imitators are usually nothing more than fetishists enamored with the Nazi aesthetic, as if it were another one their grotesque tattoos (indeed, this is often the case).  They may put on the clothes and flash around the symbols of the Third Reich, but the soul of National Socialism is not there.

This paragraph from a comment on the Interesting life thread by Scimitar of Occidental Dissent opens up a vein of discursive possibilities.  What is individualism, as it pertains to the life of European Man?  From whence does it spring?  Where, for us, does it lead?

There appears to be quite a bit of confusion surrounding the term.  Let’s dispel a deal of that straight away by saying what, in the sense of any understanding useful to us, it is not

Individualism is not a free-wheeling, self-expressive personality thing.  It is not a gun-toting independence of spirit.  It is not studied eccentricity or glamourousness, nor any attribute of self-hood.  Let us be clear that individualism, as the enduring political value of our age, is not to be apprehended at the level of the sad little, unawares “individual” at all.  It abides, somewhat counter-intuitively and as an abstraction, in the sum of the atomised parts ... to be precise, in the liberal social dynamic which atomises us and which preconditions the life we can lead.

For individualism is the inherent value in liberal philosophy and politics.  The social dynamic, that insatiable, promiscuous, ideological search for freedom, is our jealous adoptive parent.  It never quite succeeds in making us forget the old collective fetters of nation, faith and tradition, through each of which the European sociobiology unfolds.


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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 11:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 05:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 03:31. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 02:13. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:48. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 01:06. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 23:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 23:11. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:52. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 22:35. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 17:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 17:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 15:27. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:51. (View)

Timothy Murray commented in entry 'She is Georgia' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:35. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:19. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 16 Mar 2023 16:34. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'She is Georgia' on Thu, 16 Mar 2023 04:24. (View)

macrobius commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 16 Mar 2023 02:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:25. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened' on Sun, 12 Mar 2023 18:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Sat, 11 Mar 2023 18:41. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'News of Daniel' on Sat, 11 Mar 2023 07:15. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 11 Mar 2023 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 10 Mar 2023 01:29. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'She is Georgia' on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 07:40. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'She is Georgia' on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 05:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 04:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'She is Georgia' on Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:13. (View)

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